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It's time you learn what really works..
"The harsh reality is that most persuasion trainings on the market were created by people who never really had to survive in the shark infested waters of NYC. They spew out tons of stuff that sounds good but would get you rejected or laughed at in real life. This course is the real deal. Battle tested persuasion tactics with no B.S." = Paul Mascetta
Here Are Your Downloads
Advanced Hypnotic Language Boot Camp
Includes 20 video training modules, 20 audios, PDF & 3 bonus trainings
$742 Value
Easily-applied advice you can use to enhance hypnotic practice with clients, master the art of argument, increase influence, or develop what some people call “natural leadership” (HINT: “natural leaders” really use subconscious cues to guide people)…
The key to unlocking, influencing, and guiding the unconscious mind. Discover multiple perspectives, approaches, research-backed ideas, and real-world tested prompts proven to create trance states through language…
Step-by-step, copy and paste instructions show you how to guide a subject into trance state, influence their subconscious mind, and complete the entire hypnotic process without them ever knowing it…
A better understanding of the world of sales, marketing, persuasion and more. After you’ve read each of the 20 guided chapters, completed the included exercises, and followed real-world examples, you’ll understand how hypnotic language impacts your life every day…
Methods you’ll use daily to convince absolutely anyone, help more people understand your perspective, and encourage others to follow you…
Detect deception when someone is trying to hold information from you or lie to you
Persuade people more easily because you understand what they need by reading their body language during a conversation
Discover what a person really thinks about you or your ideas… And planning ahead if you want to stay on top of the situation.
Achieve your goals easily and effortlessly by persuading other people – through the power of body language
Gain the confidence to talk to anyone, anytime knowing that you will never be in the dark about what the other person is really saying and thinking about you
Be in complete control of social situations, even if you have to interact with people that you have never met or spoke to before
Diffuse power players before they get the upper hand
Equalize social situations so you would be able to influence people more easily
Grab opportunities quickly when you see such opportunities when you speak to other people
Turn the tables when you are at a disadvantage during a meeting, conference, presentation or even in a plain conversation
Includes 12 video training modules, 12 audios and 1 PDF guide
$147 Value
Dozens of practical uses for rapport in your everyday life... and... little-known scenarios where you might want to break rapport (This is critical if you want to avoid getting stuck at a conference with a tire kicker who's wasting your time when you could be out nurturing your ideal prospects...)
How to establish an instant connection with anyone... (no matter how different from you they might be)... so that you can experience greater success in your personal and professional life…
The 3 perceptual positions you must first understand before you can build rapport and persuade others… and… how to use your awareness of someone else’s needs, wants, and goals to your advantage...
Methods of using hypnotic language to build rapport in your personal relationships and ultimately spark new friendships, increase the love and commitment in your marriage, get your kids to listen to you, and much, much more…
Simple, straightforward NLP techniques and psychological “hacks” you can leverage in business to nail the interview, get your dream job, convince your colleague that your process is best, and generate more sales. Best of all, they’ll believe it was all their idea…
How to view the unconscious mind as an unlimited resource that you can tap to turn your deepest desires and goals into reality… (This guide will teach you how to develop rapport between your conscious and unconscious mind so that you can give it the proper directions necessary to improve your life)...
Easy-to-follow advice for using both verbal and nonverbal communication to create a powerful bond between you and complete strangers that will increase the effectiveness of your attempts at persuasion...
A wide selection of research-backed linguistic patterns you can use to rapidly establish rapport and get your subjects into a trance state that connects you to their unconscious minds...
TONS of real-world scenarios you encounter each day and how to apply the step-by-step guidance in this bootcamp to create rapport between yourself and even the most hard-to-get-along-with people in your personal and business life..
6 comprehensive chapters dedicated to the “who, what, why, and how it works” elements of NLP… and how you can use neurolinguistic programming to get what you want in your everyday life…
3 reasons why resistance will frequently stand in your way if you’ve set your sights on a powerful goal and the exacting resistance response that will ALWAYS overcome objections, preventative action, and argument…
Exactly why defending your position will impact your influence every time and the reason why you’re having trouble convincing others to embrace the perspective you need them to take to achieve your goals…
Argument Vs. Adaptation – The vital difference that 90% of people don’t know and almost every successful influencer needs to embrace to change opinions and win over the minds of others…
How to identify your subject’s core system and 5 specific and exampled ways you can use their own core system to your influential advantage…
Dozens of ways you can gain trust both instantly with first conversational impressions and through longer dialog…follow through multiple conversational examples to see and practice these psychological principles…
An “end argument before it even starts” strategy that eliminates the strict position-taking most subjects use to frame their world view (Note: If you apply NOTHING ELSE from this guide, just use this technique to almost always get what you want)…
Conversational keys to genuineness and tactical trust building that leaves you with the influence you need in conversation after conversation (just apply no more than 4 psychological principles…
The Feedback Mechanism and how you can use it to instantly understand what someone else is thinking so you can alter your approach if necessary
The Behavior Gauge and how you can use it to understand what someone's gestures and actions say about what they're thinking.
The Emotional Gauge and how you can use it to understand what someone is feeling so you can trigger the desired emotion that makes them comply.
The Art of Subconscious Direction and how you can use it to direct the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of others
Simple Substitutions and how you can use them lower resistance through switching and deletion.
The Third Position and how you can use to make your subject come up with the solution to a problem so they feel as though they've won.
Strategic Agreement and how you can use it to create consistent rapport when communicating with others.
Hypnotic Intrusion and how you can use it to reduce resistance by interrupting the subject’s thought train and creating an "acceptance gap".
The Angle Adjustment Technique which shows you how to present a viewpoint that utilizes the subject’s context and logic but only to the extent that it benefits the speaker (you).
Includes 10 video training modules, 10 audios & 1 PDF guide
$147 Value
How you can become any authority in any niche, no matter where you are now, where you have been, or what your qualifications are simply by following a set of established psychological patterns and concepts tested and proven after years of research and analysis…
Authority Explained – The subliminal response few question but everyone is influenced by. Discover the true difference between authority figures and everyone that follows by studying the psychology of authority you can use to influence anyone…
Why 66% of subjects in laboratory tests will actually blindly follow an authority beyond the point where their actions are no longer accepted within cultural norms or moral code…
How perception of authority impacts the decision making process and the incredibly simple yet easily applied principles of applied authority and leadership that force others to follow without even thinking about it…
60+ years of research broken, down, explained and applied to the concept of leadership establishment and charisma development…
7 ways to harness the power of “snap judgment respect” – Most decisions to follow authority occur within a split second, understand these 7 principles and gain respect instantly…
4 voice techniques for subconscious authority positioning and techniques you can use to reposition the way you think to gain immediate respect and the attention of any audience…
Your “Authority Persona” Checklist – A complete breakdown of the steps you’ll follow to establish your authority as a leader and convince your audience to listen...
Credibility vs. Persuasion vs. Influence – Do you know the difference? This is a vital distinction you’ll learn and apply to bridge the gap between mere credibility, respect and the impact you’ll have on the actions and thoughts of others…
Truth About Influence - Discover the facts about influence and why most teachings on it are critically flawed... so you don't make pointless mistakes.
Persuasion vs. Influence - Many people think persuasion and influence are the same... which they are not. Here you'll learn the difference between the two and how to use each one to your advantage... the correct way.
Compliance vs. Conversion - Here I'll share the difference between changing a person's thought process and changing their entire belief system. This will skyrocket the amount of agreements your get from people.
The Power Pre-factor - Here I'll reveal the factor which makes you appear powerful in the eyes of your target before they even meet you. Power leads to respect... which leads to the trust needed for people to follow your commands.
The Triune Brain - Here I'll introduce to a little known map of the brain, developed by a leading neuroscientist in the 1960's, which shows you how people really make decisions.
Information Processing Routes - People process information in one of two ways. Here I'll reveal both so that you can tailor your presentation and always get your desired outcome.
Long Term Influence Keys - Discover the secret to having the ability to influence all kinds of people over and over again as opposed to just once or twice.
Learn ten hypnotic language patterns guaranteed to stop resistance people dead in the their tracks so you can move them to compliance faster and easier.